Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Whew, my mum had an operation today which lasted 2.5 hours. She came out ok, so I guess it's fine now. She still has to stay in hosital for 3 days...

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

20th Century Boys!

Yes! Watched the movie at last! It was a great movie, great effects, great storyline. But it didn't put in some parts of the manga, which kinda spoiled it a bit. However, it was pretty long, about 2.5 hours.


MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) is a really interesting sport. It combines a lot of different styles of fighting and people compete by using the style of fighting they are best at. It's better than WWE, TNA and all those other professional wrestling sports, cuz they aren't really sports, only whacking people with chairs and also hitting the refree. It's just like a show and it doesn't even seem or look real. UFC, the competition which hosts MMA, is much more realistic, with fair rules and sportsmanship. Competitors don't go hitting each other during the breaks or use unfair weapons. It's pure man to man (or women to women) bare-handed fighting. MMA is the best!!!

Look, the blood is real, and the techniques used are 100% lethal.


OK. Recently I've been playing a lot of private servers. Need to make a short guide to help remind me of the AP builds.

Hunters / Rangers / Bow Masters:

STR: Your level + 5
DEX: All other points
INT: 4
LUK: 4

Crossbowmen / Snipers / Marksmen:

STR: Same as your level
DEX: All other points
INT: 4
LUK: 4

Fighter / Crusader / Hero

STR: All other points
DEX: Level +10 (Cap at lv 50)
INT: 4
LUK: 4

Page / White Knight / Paladin

STR: All other points
DEX: 2x level until level 30
INT: 4
LUK: 4

Spearman / Dragon Knight / Dark Knight

STR: All other points
DEX: 2x level until level 30
INT: 4
LUK: 4

All Mages

STR: 4
DEX: 4
INT: All other points
LUK: Level +2

Assassin/ Hermit / Nightlord

STR: 4
DEX: 25 capped (DEXLESS) / Level +40 (Normal DEX)
INT: 4
LUK: All other points

Bandit / Chief Bandit / Shadower

STR: 4 / As low as possible (STR bandit)
DEX: level +40
INT: 4
LUK: All other points


Yay! Made a banner for my blog. Used a really nice website called
Also used BannedStory (Maplesim) to make the Maplestory guy!

Monday, October 6, 2008

New Blog

Lol. I'm bored again... Just want to make a blog to put stuff in.
I'll try to stuff this blog up...
Maybe not as badly as this baby...